What We Do
Monthly Meetings
We are an active and vibrant club in the community. At our meetings, we host speakers from the local area and beyond to share information about organinizations, events, and other interesting topics. Newcomers and visitors are welcome to join us at our meetings. We’d love to have you!

Our Projects
Our club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide.
Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in a number of social activities to share experiences, talents and our collective interests. All represent great opportunities for service, friendships and personal growth.
Below are the projects and activities in which we are currently involved:
March: Daffodil Days: we help Presbyterian Hospice sell daffodils at Flying Star
March / April: Easter Egg Hunt at La Entrada Park
June: Our signature project – we take 30 less advantaged children to Kamp Kiwanis in Vanderwagen NM for 5 days.
July: We participate in the 4th of July parade in Corrales
August: Kids Shopping Spree – we take children to buy school
clothes. Each child receives $1 00-$125 dollars each to buy clothes. There are 2 other Kiwanis clubs that participate in this project.
September: Our biggest project, Corrales Harvest Festival in the Village of Corrales for 2 days. The proceeds go to Kid Kamp and possible grants to
other organizations, as voted on by the Board. Also we sponsor and work at the Corrales Ditch Run.
October: Trunk or Treat in Corrales
November & December: Provide volunteers to help manage the Twinkle Light Parade. Help the Corrales Fire Department with their food drives
Youth Programs
Kiwanis International is a “family” of organizations that focuses on teaching young children about the responsibilities of good citizenship, community service and building future leaders.
Our sponsored youth groups independently initiate service projects and community service activities throughout the school year. Our club works through an adviser in each youth organization to coordinate our participation with their activities or to have them work with us on major service programs and fundraisers.
We are so proud of our youth groups and their accomplishments which make our community a much better place to live. The activities listed below are a small portion of the many projects they are involved in:
- Cibola’s Key Club works with our Club at Harvest Festival
- The Key Club volunteers at the Roadrunner Food Bank Storehouse
- They made sandwiches, collected snack food and fed the homeless in Albuquerque
- Worked hard collecting children’s books in a book drive.

Feeding the Homeless

Volunteering at Corrales Harvest Festival

Volunteering at Roadrunner